June 2014

Featured in the June issue of To Your Wealth Update: Justus Morgan’s Racine Journal Times column as published on June 11 : My pilgrimage to Omaha Read Mike Haubrich’s recently published book entitled, Career Asset Management: Getting Ahead, Staying Ahead and Using your Head.  Available now in print and Kindle versions on Amazon. Upcoming Long-Term…

May 2014

Featured in the May issue of To Your Wealth Update: Justus Morgan’s Racine Journal Times column as published on April 30, 2014: Hassle free home sales. FSG attends conferences to remain current and innovative Proud sponsors of the Racine Lighthouse 4-mile run Upcoming events Click here to view:  TYW Update.May2014.

Understanding Long-Term Care Planning – August 5, 2014

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]One of the key components to your estate plan is having a long-term care plan in place.  Long-term care is defined as “care needed for a period of greater than 100 days,” according to Allen Hamm, author of “How to Plan for Long-Term Care.” In this unique workshop delivery, Allen Hamm…

April 2014

In this month’s issue: Justus Morgan’s To Your Wealth column as seen in the Racine Journal Times: Common Sense can apply to mortgages March 19 Social Security Workshop recap Office closed notices: April 18 and 25 Save the dates for upcoming FSG events Download April’s newsletter

February, 2014

In this month’s issue: Justus Morgan’s February To Your Wealth column as seen in the Racine Journal Times:  Impact of work while collecting Social Security benefits March 19 Social Security Workshop reminder and registration information Spotlight on Services: Career Transitions Upcoming Events Download February’s To Your Wealth Newsletter

Social Security & You – March 19

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Join Justus Morgan and Justin Moilanen to learn the basics of Social Security including how benefits are determined for workers, spouses, and surviving spouses, the interaction between claiming now versus delayed benefits, and how different claiming strategies can significantly impact your retirement income sustainability. This interactive presentation to be held at our…

January, 2014

In this month’s issue: Justus Morgan’s January To Your Wealth Column as seen in the Racine Journal Times:  Too much of a good thing. An enduring message to begin the New Year from Mike Haubrich March Workshop on Social Security announcement January, 2014 To Your Wealth Newsletter