Invest in your career asset
Tending to your career requires the same attention to detail and investment as you would take for other forms of investment assets.
Tending to your career requires the same attention to detail and investment as you would take for other forms of investment assets.
The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha This is a great book for anyone employed (or looking for employment) who is concerned about the changing landscape of employment. The disruptive creation of our modern economy has mandated we change the way we view and manage…
Did you know that one of the many services offered to clients of Financial Service Group is our approach to career transitions? In fact, FSG president, Michael Haubrich is recognized by our industry as one of the early pioneers in viewing a person’s career as an asset along with other asset classes such as cash,…