Did you know that one of the many services offered to clients of Financial Service Group is our approach to career transitions? In fact, FSG president, Michael Haubrich is recognized by our industry as one of the early pioneers in viewing a person’s career as an asset along with other asset classes such as cash, stocks, bonds, insurance and other investments. Coined as Career Asset Management, Mike has spoken on the subject at local, regional and national events. He is currently completing a book on the subject which will be published later this year.
A person can experience a career transition as a result of voluntary or involuntary exit or simply as a result of re-evaluating career interests and objectives. Sometimes people leave a current role to pursue a completely different type of work, return to school, or due to relocation or other family obligations. Sometimes the career transition occurs when a company decides to downsize. Regardless, it can be a very stressful time.
Financial Service Group, in collaboration with other professional resources such as resume writers, career coaches and attorneys, helps you consider the financial implications and future roadmap for your career asset.
Involuntary Immediate Termination Discovery includes looking over termination agreements such as severance and non-compete documents for potential referral to a labor law attorney; review of employee benefits offered such as COBRA, retirement plans and vesting for employer stocks; review of cash flow and available resources including lines of credit; recommendations for use of employer outplacement services or alternative resources.
Involuntary Termination with Advance Warning Discovery includes things like self-discovery exercises and potential referral to career coach; creating a Career Policy Statement; opportunities to restructure current role for improved alignment; career visioning.
Voluntary Change Discovery involves preparing engagement standards; completing career assessments working with a career coach; benchmarking a role or job description; identify knowledge/skill gaps and a path toward lifelong learning; increasing your network.