News from the Homestead: Preparing for our first spring season
Oh what joy I feel walking around the property and seeing signs of spring beginning to appear! I delight at each new piece of greenery popping up through the recently frozen earth to make its early spring appearance and remind me that the cold, dark days of winter are (mostly) behind us. Being our first spring season on the homestead I don’t know where to look for patches of daffodils and tulips and other spring perennials, so when I come across them it’s like finding a new piece of gold in my personal treasure box that is Wittbrich Acres. I take a moment to send my thanks to the previous owners, Deb and Paul, for so lovingly planting specimens that we will enjoy in the coming weeks, months, and years as we take over stewardship of what they initiated.
I’m also welcoming the myriad birds of all types to our yard. Cardinals and blue birds galore. Robins and finches and many others I can’t identify yet. I have it on my list to get a Wisconsin bird book that I can keep near my window where, if I’m not careful, I could pass way too many hours just watching the endless flying parade of feathered friends frolicking among our feeders. Although early in the season I’ve already doubled my historical birdseed order with a good portion going toward fattening up some pretty persistent squirrels too.
The gardens are calling to me and I’m fighting the urge to plant. I know it’s way too soon, but looking at the barren soil just waiting to be filled with all I have planned for it is so compelling it’s hard to be patient. For now, I’m trying to source mulch and wood chips–I need a literal ton of the stuff! And I’ve started my pumpkins, tomatoes, onions and some flowers in my indoor greenhouse. I did plant some potatoes in a barrel outdoors as a YouTube- found experiment so we’ll see how that fares–it’s a first for me so I’ll keep you posted on that. Thanks to friend, Pete, for the barrels–if this works, you’ll be paid in potatoes! The tools are sharpened and ready to go and our son will soon be tuning up the lawn mowers, tillers, and tow tractor. I’ve got my seed packets staged, garden mapped, and supplies purchased (sans mulch and wood chips), so I’m chomping at the proverbial bit and my hopeful green thumbs are eager to dig in.

Bee hive supers, frames, feeders and tools prepped and ready to be put into action! Ten-frame supers full of honey can weigh 50 pounds or more each!
I’m expecting my baby chicks the first week of April. I’ve got the brooder all ready for their arrival and Mike and I are excited to add to our flock. We’ve got the date circled on my calendar and it’s funny how we’re arranging our social calendar around “peep, peep day” and the new responsibilities we’ll undertake with their arrival. Our grandchildren of all ages–from 21 to 2 are counting down the days to greet our newest residents and we’re scheduling a steady flow of site visits with family and friends all eager to meet the peeps. Thanks to Frank and Jane for a delightful gift of “What the Chicken Knows” by Sy Montgomery. With each new read, I learn more about these fascinating creatures and their distinctive culture.
Our bees will come in early May and I will be involved in each step from picking them up to getting them successfully installed in the new hives and seeing them on to a healthy pollenating season. We don’t have quite as many people interested in coming to meet our new bees for some strange reason. Probably has something to do with the pesky stingers they sport that the fuzzy little peeps don’t. Just guessing, I could be wrong. I’ve sorted and prepared all the hive equipment and made any necessary repairs to the boxes, known as deeps (where the queen and her brood live) and supers (where the honey is stored). I’m also quickly realizing that I’ll need to do some upper body strengthening as those boxes are h.e.a.v.y.!
The apple, pear, and cherry orchard is pruned and ready for its first fungicide treatment in a few weeks. I’ll be leaving that twice monthly task to Mike as part of his ever-increasing honey-do list.
Taking a pause from my chores to write this post, I’m looking out my office window over the front expanse of our lawn and seeing small patches of green amid the majority of still brown lawn. I’m filled with gratitude at how hard nature has to work each spring to fight its way back from the harshness of winter. Each blade of new grass is a reminder that even when we feel beaten and bowed, we are not defeated and under the glorious gifts of the universe’s care we are restored. I see my American flag blowing proudly in the steady westerly wind, a symbol of freedom and opportunity in the greatest country in the world. I feel blessed and filled with gratitude as spring begins to grace us with her renewal.
Thanks for reading this latest update from Wittbrich Acres. If you’ve got any gardening, poultry, bee or other homesteading tips I’m all ears and eager to learn! Send me your ideas, encouragements, or comments to All are welcome and appreciated!
Until next month, be well, and may your hearts be filled with peace, harmony, and gratitude.