News from the homestead: A month of learning

Last month Mike and Tami announced their newest life adventure with the purchase of a four-acre hobby farm in Yorkville, Wisconsin. This announcement was greeted with many requests to share updates, news, and experiences with our readers. So beginning this month, Tami will be writing a monthly column that captures her unique observations and “Witt-icisms” from life at Wittbrich Acres. We hope you enjoy!

An abundant Thanksgiving week

This chapter excerpted from Appreciative Moments: Stories and Practices for Living and Working Appreciatively. iUniverse, 2008.  With permission of the author, Ed Jacobson Chapter 32:  An Abundant Thanksgiving Week My mind’s been cooking lately about the rapidly-approaching Thanksgiving holiday and the piece I’ve wanted to write about having An Appreciative Thanksgiving Day. Then a new notion arose: Why…